
According to the Oxford Dictionary, legacy means the long-lasting impact of particular events, actions, etc. that took place in the past. Each Passing year, we revel in this long-lasting impact of many Orientations and other events that precede us. Many teach us the value of community and belongingness and many motivate us to work towards an ever-evolving society characterized by inclusivity and accessibility. 


UNB yearbooks serve as captivating time capsules, weaving together the rich tapestry of the university's legacy. Through vibrant photographs, heartfelt messages, and meticulously chronicled events, these yearbooks encapsulate the essence of each academic year, immortalizing the experiences and achievements of students, faculty, and staff. The pages unveil the ebbs and flows of UNB's growth, showcasing the evolving campus culture, academic pursuits, and societal influences that have shaped generations. As one turns the pages, they embark on a journey through the past, witnessing the aspirations, struggles, and triumphs that have contributed to the institution's enduring spirit. UNB yearbooks stand as testaments to the collective dedication and passion that continue to define the university's legacy, connecting the past with the present and inspiring future generations to carve their own paths within its storied halls.