The Adventures of Luke Starkiller



The Adventures of Luke Starkiller


George Lucas


This shooting script of the fourth draft of what would eventually become Episode IV: A New Hope is a fan-made replica of the actual script. It shows some significant differences from the text as it appears in the finished film, such as the name of Luke Starkiller instead of Luke Skywalker, and shows that Han shot first.


March 15, 1976


This is the revised fourth draft of the shooting script, dated March 15, 1976. Filming of what would become A New Hope began on March 22, 1976 just a week after this version of the script was drafted.
The full title is: The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from the "Journal of the Whills" (Saga 1) Star Wars
The provenance of this item is unclear, but it is a fan-made replica rather than an original copy used onset. Nevertheless, the find of the item by librarian Kristian Brown in 2015 generated local and national media interest.


28 cm long, 22 cm wide, 2 cm tall

Cover Description

Red ink stamps on the cover read: "Shooting Script" and "Property of LucasFilm Ltd"